Class 10 Life Processes Previous Years Questions : Solutions

Life Processes Previous Years Questions : Solutions List the steps of preparation of temporary mount of a leaf peel to observe stomata. [CBSE 2018] [2Marks]Sol:The following steps of preparation of temporary mount of a leaf peel to observe stomata are : (i)Remove a healthy leaf from the plant.(ii)Remove a part of peel from the lower surface […]

Class 8 Reaching the Age of Adolescence Notes

Class 8 Reaching the Age of Adolescence Notes Adolescence :- The period of life, when the body undergoes changes, leading to reproductive maturity, is called adolescence. Adolescence begins around the age of 11 and lasts upto 18 or 19 years of age. Since this period covers the ‘teens’ (13 to18 or 19 years of age), […]

Class 8 Reproduction In Animals Notes

Reproduction In Animals Notes Reproduction :- Reproduction is the ability of the living organism to produce young ones of their own kind. Modes of Reproduction :- Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction :- The type of reproduction in which male and female Parents involved to give rise to an offspring is called sexual reproduction. Male […]

Class 9 Tissues Important Questions

Tissues Important Questions Which tissue in plants provides them flexibility? Name any two parts of the plants where this tissue is present. What is responsible for increase in girth of the stem or root? What is cutin? What is its function? Which tissue forms a barrier to keep different body systems separate? Write the differences […]

Class 9 The Fundamental Unit of Life Important Questions

The Fundamental Unit of Life Important Questions Define nucleoid. . Why mitochondria is called the powerhouse of the cell ? Why is the inner membrane of mitochondria deeply folded ? Where is protein synthesized in a cell ? Explain. Name the three solutions that can be used to stain the cell while observing it under […]

Class 10 Control and Coordination Notes

Control and Coordination Notes Stimulus:- The change in the environment to which an organism respond and react is called stimulus. Receptors:- The group of cells present in sense organs which are sensitive to change in environment are called receptors. There are five types of receptors:- Gustatory receptor Olfactory receptor Photo receptor Phono receptor Thermo receptor […]

Class 9 Tissues Notes

Tissues Notes Tissue:- A group of cells that are similar in structure and perform a particular function is called tissue. Differences between plant tissue and animal tissue:- Plant Tissues Animal Tissues Most of the plant tissues are dead that provide mechanical support. Most of the animal tissues are living . Plant tissues consume less energy. […]